trú ant
idler; pupil who misses school without excuse;
the act or condition of being abscent without permission
Staying in school is the first step to a good education.
Knowledge is Power!
Youth Who Drop Out
Trauncy is a problem that extends much further than the school.
It affects the student, the family and the community.
Police departments across the nation are reporting that many students not in school are committing crimes, including
vandalism, shoplifting and graffiti.
Absenteeism is detrimental to the students self esteem, graduation, and employment potential.
Archived: Manual to Combat Truancy
July 1996
Truancy Reduction
Keeping Students In School
Truancy Prevention
Student Truancy
What Are Some of the Consequences of Nonattendance?
What Are Some of the Causes of Truancy?
Are There Guidelines for Creating Effective Attendance Policies?
What Tough Approaches Can Be Taken to Address the Problem of Nonattemdance?
Can Truancy Be Controlled from within the School?
How Can the Community Become Involved?
The Causes and Effects of Truancy
Combat Truancy By Making School Worth Attending
Zero Tolerance
Truancy Scams
Beware of the Truancy Scam!
Here is how it works:
Truancies and School Attendance
Truancy Prevention Through Mediation Program
What is Truancy Mediation?
Why Mediation?
How Does Mediation Work?
About the Truancy Mediation Program
Truancy may cost teens their drivers' licenses
Jailing Parents Has Little Effect on Truancy
DHS: Truancy Prevention Programs