Difficulty with reading and understanding written words.
They may see the words distorted, upside down or backwards.
Recognizing dyslexia, educational support, National Curriculum study programme, reading and spelling
activities, resources and homework links....
Bright Solutions for Dyslexia
Sharing the latest research results with those who need to know.
Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, LLC Sharing the latest research results with those who need to
know Table of Contents What is Dyslexia? Symptoms of Dyslexia What We Now Know Testing & Assessment Teach...
Stockdale Learning Center
The Successful Learning Connection for LD, Dyslexia & ADD/ADHD Individuals and Families
The Dyslexia Treatment and Counseling Center
Trying Hard.com
Advice and help on learning difficulties
... Learning difficulties, Learning disabilities, Learning disorders, Allergies, Glue ear, Attention Deficit Disorder,
ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia ...
Vision and Learning difficulties Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD
Institute for Neurophysiological Psychology (INPP)
Research and treatment for learning disorders, attention deficit, and other related conditions.
The free Educational e-news has a tradition of helping learners, educators and families with problems Some Dyslexia,
ADHD, Hyperactive, ADD children are
gifted ...
ADD and Dyslexia Reading Help
New Hope Center
is ongoing research to determine optimum methodologies to assist adults and children overcome the tremendous problems
associated with ADD, ADHD and dyslexia.
Parents Help
teachers, and extended family members find themselves responsible for the education or support of a child or teenager
with either dyslexia, ADD, ADHD etc. ...
Educational Help.com
Child Reading Tips.com
Strategies, techniques and articles parents can use to help improve their children's reading skill.
Optimal Performance for children
An easy program to help children to win, Some Dyslexia,ADHD,Hyperactive, ADD children are gifted.
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
Lindamood- Bell has learning centers where well trained clinicians help children overcome dyslexia. It is expensive,
but comes highly recommended.
Reading Reflex
by Carmen and Geoffrey McGuinness
Reading Reflex is an exhaustive how-to guide for the reading instruction method they've developed called Phono-Graphix.
The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential
Dyslexia Index
3D Learner
3D Learner offers a unique, effective and enjoyable way to help your child become a more successful and
happier student.
Crossbow Education
Dyslexia teaching games and photocopiable material for learning fun with spelling, reading, study
skills and basic math...
Powerline Reading
... spelling, writing and memory. Our program can help those with learning problems, dyslexia,
ADHD and more.
Dyslexia and DIET
William Ferguson and Dot outline what is known (or perhaps guessed) about the effects of diet on dyslexia and
Special Needs Resources