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I Corithians 13: 4-13
  4)Charity suffereth long, and is kind;
     charity envieth not;
     charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.
  5)Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not
     her own, it is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
  6)Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the
  7)Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth
     all things, endureth all things.
  8)Charity never faileth: but whether there be
     prophesies, they shall fail; whether there be
     tongues, they shall cease; whether there be
     knowledge, it shall vanish away.
  9)For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10)But when that which is perfect is come, then
     that which is in part shall be done away.
11)When I was a child, I spake as a child, I
     understood as a child, I thought as a child; but
     when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12)For now we see in a glass, darkly; but
     then face to face: now I know in part; but then
     shall I know even as also I am known.
13)And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these
     three; but the greatest of these is charity.
This is REAL LOVE. 

God Didn't Make Perfect Mothers
"May I go now?" the almost completed, eager mother asked.
"Not yet. There are essential parts and finishing touches to be added," her Maker replied.
"I look pretty good to me," she said, peering into the crystal pool at her feet.
"True, you're looking better all the time. But bear with me."
"What does a mother have to do, God, besides wash, feed, and clothe little bodies?" God only smiled and continued working.
"What are you doing now?" the curious mother-to-be questioned.
"Tightening your anger valve. If this doesn't work, everyone is in trouble."
She watched as He reached for the container marked patience.
"And what do I need patience for?" she asked as He poured in quite a supply. "After a week you will know, my child."
"And whatever could that be?"
"This is your bypass mechanism. It enables a mother to operate efficiently for long periods of time without compliments from her children."
"I'm sure I won't need that."
"I'm sure you will."
Then God reached for a bundle labeled insulation against loud noises.
"You can skip that," she told him. "I don't mind a little noise."
"That's nice," He said.
Seeing all the energy He was preparing to give her, she shifted uneasily from one foot to the other. "I wouldn't need all that energy in a million years."
"Little you know. You will use all of this and bebegging for more before long."
"I didn't know there was so much involved in being a mother. You're not just putting me on, are you?"
"No, little mother."
With much apprehension, "Are you sure I can handle the job?"
"Quite sure...with help. I'm always available when you need me."
"I'm glad to know that. What could I possible need all these for?"
"A certain amount of pain, so that you will be fully equipped to sympathize with and minister to the needs of your children when they feel pain; tears, so that you will be able to cry with them when they are hurt; and laughter to blend with theirs for happy times."
The mother-in-waiting fidgeted while God attached yes and no buttons.
"Wouldn't it be nicer just to say yes to my children all the time?"
"Definitely not. Good mothers need to say no--and often. Say it with kindness and they will respect you for it."
"Have you equipped me with this thing called kindness, Lord?"
"I have indeed."
"And what about respect? Do I have to respect my children?"
The anxious mother tried to be patient as God installed a question answerer, advice giver, get along without sleep, and a pretender not to notice.
"I know I wouldn't use one of those!" she said, as God came toward her with a let-go lever.
"Sure you will, though it's hard. This is a vital piece of equipment. Until this little lever is released, your children will not have room to grow properly, make their own decisions, or develop their own personalities."
"I guess that is important."
God stood back a few steps to appraise His work, then reached for a coat of love and wrapped it around her. "Wear this at all times, and you'll be a good mother."
"Am I ready now, God, to get on with the mothering bit?"
"You can go now," God said gently.
"You're not perfect, but you will do."
Author Unknown

Stress 101
Webster's defines stress as a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and that may be a factor in disease causation.
Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. Emotional causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied.
A mild degree of stress and tension can sometimes be beneficial. Feeling mildly stressed when carrying out a project or assignment often compels us to do a good job and to work energetically. Likewise, exercising can produce a temporary stress on some body functions, but its health benefits are indisputable. It is only when stress is overwhelming, or poorly managed, that its negative effects appear.
The goal of this site is to provide resources to help you manage the stresses in your life.

Moments for Mom: Calm in the Chaos
Elisabeth K. Corcoran
Are you feeling pulled in different directions? Are you feeling tired
these days? Are you feeling scattered? Invite God into your chaotic

 Inexpensive Pampering
Pampering is anything you do or have done for yourself that
  1. uplifts your spirit
  2. relaxes your body
  3. clears your mind



Pampering Recipes for MOM

Make Your Home a Refuge

Fast and Easy Sress Management

Spoil Yourself

Inexpensive Workouts

How a Single Mom Relaxes

Relaxation Programs
Ways to Relax

Relaxation and Meditation Techniques
Here you can find links to Web resources dealing with various relaxation techniques and exercises, including imagery, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, breathing techniques, and more. Step-by-step instructions are included so you can practice these techniques at home.

Learn to Relax

Herbs for Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Relax and Ground Your Body
Grounding exercises help tremendously with maintaining a balance of our physical and spiritual bodies. This particular exercise can serve as an excellent tool for identifying physical stresses and upsets.

Breathing to Relax

Calm Down in Under A Minute
A simple how to on diaphragmatic breathing, from Leonard Holmes, Ph.D., your guide

A simple how to on meditation from Leonard Holmes, Ph.D.

Meditation Techniques
Here are two simple techniques that can help reduce stress and increase energy and a sense of calm.

Martial Arts for Relaxation

Soothing Gifts for Relaxation and
Stress Reduction
If you know someone who needs to unwind and de-stress, why not help create a relaxing atmosphere? These gifts have been chosen with the senses in mind. They're easy on the budget as well, so, if you want to experiment with aromatherpy or soothing sounds, you can do so inexpensively.

Top Five Gifts for the Seriously Stressed

Frugal Ways to Beat Stress and Relax

Stress Busting Tools
Tools you can try at home to lower your stress level

Relaxing Massage

Music Relaxation
Spa Music Suggestions

Music Therapy Healing
Music therapy is a health care branch dedicated to the use of music for physical and emotional improvement.

Top Five Music CD's for Relaxation

Top Ten Sleep Related CD's
Whether you're looking for music to help you fall asleep or to help you relax, you'll find something here. I've also included CDs and cassettes for those who want to meditate, practice self-hypnosis or do a few yoga stretches and asanas to music.

How To Create a Lavender Relax Spray

The process of using visualization of pleasant or comforting images as a form of relaxation and mood control


Easy Yoga
So you want yoga's benefits but you're about as flexible as a steel rod? No sweat! You can still relax, de-stress and relieve muscle tension through yoga. You may not even have to leave your desk. These sites will show you how easy yoga can be.

Passion Flower


White Noise

Take Time For Yourself-You Deserve It
Stress management, self-renewal, massage, aromatherapy, yoga, and healthy self-care for parents.

How To Make Hand Sanitizer Gel

Budget 101
Household Cleaning Recipies A-Z

Make Your Own Cleaners!

Organizing A-Z

Two Dozen Uses for Baking Soda

Organize Your Child's Room

Can't Afford to Get Organized !

Spring Cleaning the Frugal Way

Controlling Dust Mites

Clutter Solutions

Creative Homemaking

Natural Health Remedies

Deciphering Deceptive Food Labels

When You Can't Afford Prescription Drugs

Make Family Leave Work For You

Inexpensive Beauty Treatments

Inexpensive Bath Gels

Homemade Bath Salts

Homemade Facials

A Spa Vacation At Home

Favorite Frugal Resources

Summer Activities for Kids
200+ Ideas for Summertime
Free Family Fun
When Does School Start?
Do It Yourself Enrichment Programs
Cheap Thrills
Summer In The City
Summer Fun In The Kitchen
No Cost Kids' Entertainment
Super Summer Snacks 'n Fun
Nothing To Do
Winter Activities
20 Fun Ideas
Hot Summer Fun in The Sun
Help I'm Bored
Educational Activities for Kids and Families
Teen Activities
12 Tips For Helping Disorganized Children
Games for Children
Beat Those Winter Blues!
Entertainment for Children on Long Trips
Homemade Bubble Bath
Free Stuff for Kids and Teachers

Top 10 Ways to Deal with Overwhelm

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I made the Langa List on 11/21/2002


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