Parents may face jail over compulsory drug orders
By Charles Begley
29 September 2002
California Governor Grey Davis signed the compulsory mental health bill
and we are more at risk. The following
story from the UK gives us warning
that it is happening all over the world.
Parents of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity
(ADHD) will face jail under proposals
in the new Mental Health Bill if
they refuse to drug their children, a psychiatrist has warned.
wide-ranging powers of the Bill would over-rule the wishes of parents."
"The Bill is so punitive it dispenses with all civil and human rights.
Parents who have reservations about pumping
their children full of
drugs to control them would be classed as denying their children
treatment," he said.
"It's only a matter of time before parents find
themselves in breach of such orders which are fully backed by the
Some people either prefer to stay away from stimulant medication or cannot tolerate medication. Alternative treatments
are available.
Adhd conditions can only be managed; not cured and although sometimes these children's symptoms subside with age,
often they remain into adulthood.
The first concept that I would like to get across is that there is no cure and
no known cause for ADD/HD. But that you can learn to manage the
symptoms with the right combination of therapies.
A total treatment plan should include behavior modification, counseling,
education of ADD/HD and medication when required.
Parents, teachers and / or family members should be included in the treatment plan. It is true that some children
are so out of control that they do need prescribed medication, some are not. But, I have to truely ask myself, how much is
really ADD/HD and how much is really misbehavior? Don't get me wrong, I have an ADD/HD child and he can really really wear
me thin, but I do think some cases have a lot to do with discipline and may not need medication but behavior modification,
in the worst way.
There are alternative forms of theraphy. Natural, Herbal, Dietary, and
EEG Neurotheraphy.
Many people feel that the changes they have made through these alternative forms have made a significant difference.
Concept 2
All drugs do not work for everyone. Plain and simple.
Concept 3
Adults have ADD/HD also.
As an adult do you want it to be mandatory that you have to take drugs?
Do you really want to be forced to give your child a drug when you may have been able to use an alternative method? But
you didn't get the chance to try?
What about mandatory drug testing and jobs? Teens wanting to get a job?
Did you know that you can not enlist in the military if you are taking stimulants?
ie: Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine,Cylert, DextroStat
The best references that I can provide would be Adhd news past issues.
All of the past issues are listed on one page by month and year. Check out all of the archives but be sure to check out
the NOVEMBER 1997 issue and look under the subtitle "Under Military".
Or a few more would be:
Death by Ritalin-one family's story with lots more links
Should I Medicate My Child
by Lawrence Diller M.D.
Medication for ADD: On the other hand
If you do not know how to get in touch with your
Senator or State Representatives, I have included a
Congressional Email Directory.
All you have to do is look up your state and it lists both.
Congressional Email Directory
1. Remember that he/she receives thousands of messages a day
2.Clearly state your "subject"
3 Stick to one subject per message
4.Be brief and to the point
5.Be polite. Representatives value the publics viewpoint but not when you
don't join forces
6.Most of all be formal and give your contact information: name, address,
phone number and / or email address. You never know when they may
want to contact you for further input.
By the way when I emailed mine it was required, this could also be a
security measure so don't be afraid to fill in all the required information,
otherwise it may not be read .