SLEEP DISORDERS Insomnia Narcolepsy Night Terrors Sleep Apnea Sleep Walking Snoring Talking during sleep There are four principal brain waves each associated with a different state of awareness or level of consciousness: BETA - The fastest brainwave that is related to external activities. This is the predominant pattern
emitted during normal wakeful states. At this level the mind functions through the five physical senses and is bound by time
and space. This level is predominately left-brain. ALPHA - This frequency is related to a relaxed state of mind when one is free from the worries and frustrations
of the physical world. The average person only produces this brainwave during sleep, while dreaming or during moments of deep
creative thought. It is often called REM sleep and is predominant when dreaming. THETA - These waves are profusely emitted during sleep. Theta waves are manifested during deep states
of meditation, intense creativity, ecstasy and receptivity to extrasensory perception. Control of autonomic functions such
as heartbeat, digestion, bleeding, pain etc. is possible while conscious at this frequency. DELTA - The slowest brainwave. It is associated with deep sleep, 'Samadhi' or 'Cosmic Consciousness'. To become consciously
aware at this level one has to transcend the mind which leads to the ultimate goal of mankind; 'Realisation of the True Self.' http://www.mindframetechnique.com/insomnia.html SLEEP DISORDERS http://www.counselingcorner.net/disorders/sleep.html ADHD and Sleep Disorders Recently there has been a great deal of media attention on sleep problems in people with ADHD. Sleep problems are rampant
in people who have ADHD. However, the big question is whether they are secondary to having ADHD or whether sleep disorders
are another cause of ADHD. by Jay D. Tarnow, M.D. http://www.adda-sr.org/reading/Articles/Medication%20Corner/Tarnowadhdandsleepdisorders.htm HEALTHY SLEEPING Obtain information on sleeping disorders. Consult articles and videos about getting more sleep, as well as treatment options
for sleep disorders. http://www.healthysleeping.com/ SLEEP IN CHILDREN WITH ADHD http://www.belsleep.org/msmits.htm UNIQUELY ADHD Learn about insomnia, sleep apnea, sleep walking, snoring, and other sleeping disorders CHILDREN WITH ADHD: TOO MUCH ENERGY TO SLEEP http://www.advanceforsleep.com/common/editorial/editorial.aspx?CC=4515 INSOMNIA http://my.webmd.com/hw/sleep_disorders/uh1002.asp?src=Inktomi&condition=Sleep_Disorders WORDS FROM AN INSOMNIA EXPERT Rest for The Weary http://uniquely-adhd.healthology.com/focus_article.asp?f=sleep_disorders&c=xml_insomniaexpert
NATURAL REMEDIES MELATONIN Melatonin is a synthetic version of the same hormone your pineal gland produces. VALERIAN ROOT One of the strongest herbal sedatives and is a nervous system relaxant CHAMOMILE It is commonly used to relieve nervous tension and to calm anxiety, especially in children. CATNIP Catnip is a mild sleep aid and relaxant LAVENDER It relaxes and calms the nervous system to promote restful sleep. GOTU KOLA Gotu Kola is an oriental herb with a mild tranquilizing effect LEMON BALM A lemon-tasting herb that has a mild relaxing effect TIPS relaxation techniques same routine to quiet your mind reducing activity white noise sleep mask and/or ear plugs warm milk back rubs
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